Friday, October 28, 2022

Play Well


Design Challenge Accepted!  Over the course of two weeks, students at Spofford Pond School were given time to test their design skills.  Students worked in partnerships to build and program a variety of robots to complete various tasks.

We are engineers!  We are programmers!  We are the future!

Technology Essential Questions:
Are there technological solutions or enhancements to supplement what is being taught?
How can we use this software to create original, innovative works and ideas?
How can we use this software to address the different needs, learning styles, interests and abilities of students?
What is coding and how can you use coding to create?
How does the engineering design process relate to problem solving and critical thinking?

2016 Massachusetts Digital Literacy and Computer Science (DLCS) Curriculum Framework:
3-5.CAS.a.1; 3-5.CAS.b.1-4; 3-5.DTC.a; 3-5.DTC.b

Thursday, October 27, 2022


The Spofford Pond School A.U.P.

During the first few weeks of school students reviewed the Spofford Pond Digital Citizenship rules.  After going through our Acceptable Use Policy (A.U.P.), examining some rules and watching some safety tip videos, students signed a digital citizenship contract, pledging to follow the rules.  Grades 5 & 6 also got a special presentation on Internet Safety from guest speaker, Katie Greer.  Be sure to check out her website.   Digital Citizenship is an important piece of technology use and it is a subject that we will be investigating throughout the year in all classes.

Spofford Pond School Handbook/Acceptable Use Policy
(A.U.P. can be found on page 23)

Technology Essential Questions:
What does it mean to be a Digital Citizen?
What are our rights and responsibilities as Digital Citizens?
What can students do to keep themselves safe when working online?

2016 Massachusetts Digital Literacy and Computer Science (DLCS) Curriculum Framework:
3-5.CAS.a; 3-5.CAS.b; 6-8.CAS.a; 6-8.CAS.b

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Digital Citizenship Week

OCTOBER 17 - 21, 2022

"Digital Citizenship Week is a week-long celebration promoting digital well-being within K–12 schools, advancing Common Sense’s mission of helping students thrive in a world of media and technology. Learning never stops, and neither does digital citizenship. Teaching our students digital skills and inviting them to reflect on how media and technology affect their daily lives is essential to helping them connect with the world around them. Digital Citizenship week is the perfect time to engage our students around these essential life skills using resources from Common Sense Education."

At Spofford Pond School we promote digital citizenship everyday.  In classrooms around the building students are not only expected to follow our acceptable use policy rules but also to adhere to good digital citizenship.  Digital Citizenship is a set of rules and responsibilities that inspire the responsible use of technology, digital devices and online accounts. Part of being a digital citizen at Spofford Pond School requires one to make good choices when using technology.  The idea of digital citizenship is that it is truly a life skill that empowers the user. As digital citizens, students will acquire knowledge about the role they play when they use technology in the classroom and beyond.

You may wonder, how can you help at home?  Here are some resources for families:

Help your student balance their time:

Talk with your family and sign a Family Media Agreement.

Check out some of these videos:
What Does it Mean to Be a Digital Citizen?

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Collaboration, The Key to Success!


Students in the fourth grade got to use their collaboration skills and their map skills when they were faced with this Breakout EDU challenge.  They were challenged to use clues, critical thinking, common sense and collaboration to solve puzzles and open a variety of locks on the BreakoutEDU boxes. The theme was "Map Skills" and this competition against the clock sure put these young minds to work!

Technology Essential Questions:

Why is exploration an important part of learning?
How can an "escape room" experience motivate students and inspire active participation?
How can an "escape room" experience inspire critical thinking, collaboration, communication & creativity?

Monday, October 24, 2022



In order to learn the basics of the video editor, WeVideo, students in The Hive (grade 4, Ms. Davis & Mrs. Valzania) were tasked with creating a book trailer for Cynthia Lord's Rules.  Students created storyboards, learned about the preview pane, investigated stock media and layered audio, video, images and titles in the scrubber to create their final projects.  What a great project for beginning film writers, producers, editors and technicians.

Technology Essential Questions:
How does this digital tool help improve collaboration and/or communication?
How can technology be used to enhance a project and communicate knowledge?
How can we use this software to create original, innovative works and ideas?
2016 Massachusetts Digital Literacy and Computer Science (DLCS) Curriculum Framework:
3-5.DTC.a.3; 3-5.DTC.b.1