Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Celebrating Computer Science Education Week

Hour of Code

In celebration of Computer Science Education Week (December 9 - 15, 2019) classes at Spofford Pond Elementary School participated in an Hour of Code.  Hour of Code is a worldwide phenomenon that reaches tens of millions of students in almost 200 countries. Spofford Pond’s school wide coding event is just one of thousands that takes place during this week around the globe.

Spofford Pond students spent some time during their library/media classes trying various coding activities from the Hour of Code website.  Students learned computer science skills, math skills, problem-solving and perseverance in each coding activity. They worked collaboratively and creatively to solve the puzzles and move through the programming lessons.

It was an exciting week of amazing discoveries, fun creations and confidence building exercises.

A special thanks to Mrs. Boulay who helped make this event possible!

Technology Essential Questions:

What are the fundamentals of computer programming?
How are algorithms used in coding?
How can you use computer programming to complete a task?
How is computer programming useful in real life?
How might you use computer programming in your future career?
2016 Massachusetts Digital Literacy and Computer Science (DLCS) Curriculum Framework:
3-5.CT.b; 3-5.CT.d; 6-8.CT.b; 6-8.CT.d

Friday, December 6, 2019

Escape Room Challenge

Breakout EDU

Classrooms in several grades are continuing to attempt to "Breakout"!
Mrs. Cronin's class and Mr. Duffy's class worked very hard to conquer, Map Skills!
Ms. Boyle's class worked together to discover what happened in the case of the Missing Moai!
Collaboration was the key to success!  Great job everyone! 
Mr. Duffy's Grade 4 - Congratulations!

Ms. Boyle's Grade 6 - solved it with minutes to spare!

Mrs. Cronin's Grade 4 - working hard!

Case of the Missing Moai Hook Video
(watch carefully! It's full of clues!)
Technology Essential Questions:

Why is exploration an important part of learning?
How can an "escape room" experience motivate students and inspire active participation?
How can an "escape room" experience inspire critical thinking, collaboration, communication & creativity?

STEM Challenge

Challenge Accepted!

Students in Ms. Boyle's Grade 6 classroom really stepped up to the Fall STEM Challenge.
The challenge?  Design and build a prototype machine ("The Extractinator") that could syphon micro plastics and material from water.
The kicker?  Prototypes had to be built using only items from the recycling bin.
The time frame?  One week to design, build, test and submit for feedback.
Wow... The hard work these students put into their design and build is outstanding!
Check out their pictures, the video and the feedback they got from STEM professionals.

But will it work?
Feedback from STEM Professionals:

Technology/STEM Essential Questions
How are science and engineering skills used to solve design problems?
How can we use the technology tools available to help us ideate solutions to a problem?
How can we use the technology tools available to use to record our findings for further reflection?

2016 Massachusetts Digital Literacy and Computer Science (DLCS) Curriculum Framework:
6-8. CS.b; 6-8.DTC.b; 6-8.DTC.c; 6-8.CT.e

Creating a Logo

Logo Designers on the Loose

Students in Ms. Boyle's grade 6 classroom were learning to create logos as part of a design project.  They used the online creation tool, Canva, to take a learner and character qualities words like "kind" to create a simple logo design, befitting of the word.

Check out some of their original logos:

Technology Essential Questions:

How can technology be used to enhance a project and communicate knowledge?
How can we use this software to create original, innovative works and ideas?
How can this digital tool help us create a project that sparks curiosity?
2016 Massachusetts Digital Literacy and Computer Science (DLCS) Curriculum Framework:
6-8.DTC.a.1-3; 6-8.DTC.b.1; 6-8.DTC.c

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Google Protocol

Grade 3 Gets Techy with Technology Basics

Students in grade 3 have been busy this first term learning some important technology basics.  They have been learning about the different devices we use at Spofford Pond School, how to login and logout, how to access their Google accounts and get assignments in their Google Classrooms.

Students accessed hyperdocs with Chromebook and Macbook basics and we discussed good habits of technology users.  Students also had the opportunity to use an interactive choice board to practice some of their new skills.

Technology Choice Board:

Technology Essential Questions:
How does offering students voice and choice create more engagement in learning?
How does offering choice help students connect with their strengths and boost motivation?
How can this digital tool provide personalized learning and differentiation?

Interactive Choice Boards

Reading Response Choice Boards

Mr. Duffy's Gr. 4 Classroom
Students in Mr. Duffy's room got their first online choice board assignment.  In this assignment, students were first tasked with choosing a just-right independent reading book.  Then, over the course of the next few weeks, students will use the choice board to complete various activities as a means of  responding to their reading.
Check out this sample Reading Response Choice Board Assignment:
Technology Essential Questions:
How does offering students voice and choice create more engagement in learning?
How does offering choice help students connect with their strengths and boost motivation?
How can this digital tool provide personalized learning and differentiation?
2016 Massachusetts Digital Literacy and Computer Science (DLCS) Curriculum Framework:
3-5.CAS.a.3: 3-5.CAS.a.5; 3-5.CAS.c.4; 3-5.CAS.c.5; 3-5.DTC.a.3; 3-5.DTC.b; 3-5.DTC.c.4; 3-5.DTC.c.5; 3-5.CS.a

Digital Portfolios

Showcasing the Learning in Grade 4

Students in fourth grade have been busy creating digital portfolios.  "A digital portfolio is a computer-based collection of student performance over time. Portfolios make classroom learning more accessible to parents, administrators, and other district support staff because they provide a window into student learning. A portfolio showcases both student achievement and student learning over time." - Melinda Kolk, "Building Digital Portfolios"
For fourth graders at Spofford Pond, creating a digital portfolio is an opportunity to not only showcase their learning, but to also take a moment and reflect on their learning goals and their strategies for achieving them.

The tool we have been using to create our digital portfolios is Google Sites.  Google Sites is an application for creating websites.  Permissions allow the author to keep their site private, visible only to those with viewing rights and access to the link.

Creating a site of learning goals, achievements, peak moments and habits of mind has been a wonderful process for the students, the classroom teachers and myself.

Technology Essential Questions
How can we use this technology to keep a record of progress?
How does a digital portfolio help extend student thinking?
How can we use this technology to teach the art of reflection, curation and collaboration?

2016 Massachusetts Digital Literacy and Computer Science (DLCS) Curriculum Framework:
3-5.CAS.a.3: 3-5.CAS.a.5; 3-5.CAS.c.4; 3-5.CAS.c.5; 3-5.DTC.a.3; 3-5.DTC.b; 3-5.DTC.c.4; 3-5.DTC.c.5; 3-5.CS.a