Tuesday, November 24, 2020

SPS Tackles Hybrid Model

Technology and the Hybrid Model

Hybrid in the Classroom

As we end our first full month of hybrid learning I thought I would share a few pictures of how things look in the classrooms, in terms of technology.  In-seat students and teachers interact with remote students via Zoom on the Smartboard or interactive display.  Teachers are stepping up to the challenge of digitizing lessons, and organizing and running many different devices to make this happen.  Students, both in-seat and at home are patient, helpful and respectful.  The technical aspect is a learning curve for everyone and everyone is rising to the occasion.  The Spofford Pond community is certainly making the best of what can only be called an interesting situation!

Until next month, I wish you and your families a restful break!

19 Best Virtual Thanksgiving Ideas, Activities and Games
Wide Open School Holiday Gratitude Activities

Mrs. Kosakowski