Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Grade 6

Future Movie Makers in Action

Grade 6 students had the opportunity to create a video to help kick off the PTO Raize Craze fundraiser.  Check it out!
Acts of Kindness:

Technology Essential Questions:
How does this digital tool help improve collaboration and/or communication?
How can technology be used to enhance a project and communicate knowledge?
How can we use this software to create original, innovative works and ideas?

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Safe Beginnings

Digital Citizenship Overview

During the first few weeks of school, in each Library-Media class, grades 4- 6, every student was given the opportunity to review the Spofford Pond Digital Citizenship rules.  After going through our A.U.P., reviewing some rules and watching some safety tip videos, each student signed a digital citizenship contract, pledging to follow the rules.  Digital Citizenship is an importance piece of technology use and it is a subject that we will be investigating throughout the year in all classes.

Digital Citizenship Resources for Families:
What is Digital Citizenship?
Common Sense Media
Common Sense Media Parent Concerns
Google's Be Internet Awesome
Spofford Pond School Handbook/Acceptable Use Policy
Technology Essential Questions:
What does it mean to be a Digital Citizen?
What are our rights and responsibilities as Digital Citizens?
What can students do to keep themselves safe when working online?

2016 Massachusetts Digital Literacy and Computer Science (DLCS) Curriculum Framework:
3-5.CAS.a; 3-5.CAS.b; 6-8.CAS.a; 6-8.CAS.b

Video Conferencing

Calling All Students At School and Abroad!

Video Conferencing with the Cronin Crew
When Mrs. Cronin realized one of her students would still be visiting family in Jordan and unable to attend the first day of school - she sprang into action!  A few emails later a video conference was setup and just like that J was able to see her classmates, share summer stories and get ready for a new school year along with the rest of the Cronin Crew.

Technology Essential Questions:
Are there technological solutions or enhancements to supplement classroom experiences?
Why is exploring technological tools an important part of learning?
How can a global, real-time experience motivate students and inspire active participation?

New Technology

Qball in Action!

Thanks to the PTO Teacher Wishes program and the generosity of the PTO we now have four sets of QBalls for classroom teachers to borrow and use with students.
So, what is QBall?  Qball is a soft, throwable microphone that connects to any sound system making Q & A in the classroom even more engaging, fun, lively and audible.
Why Qball you ask?  Because EVERY student voice matters and needs to be heard!
Thanks again to the PTO for making this resource available!
Technology Essential Questions:

How can this technology foster whole group discussion?
How can a QBall experience motivate students and inspire active participation?
How can we leverage a tool like QBall to increase engagement and amplify student voice?


Grade 4's First Breakout EDU!

Students from The Hive (grade 4, Mrs. Valzania & Ms. Davis) got to use their collaboration skills and their map skills when they were faced with this Breakout EDU challenge.  They were challenged to use clues, critical thinking, common sense and collaboration to solve puzzles and open a variety of locks on the BreakoutEDU boxes. The theme was "Map Skills" and this competition against the clock sure put these young minds to work!

Technology Essential Questions:

Why is exploration an important part of learning?
How can an "escape room" experience motivate students and inspire active participation?
How can an "escape room" experience inspire critical thinking, collaboration, communication & creativity?

Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality
Students explore geology in National Parks and take expeditions inside volcanoes.

Students in some grade 4 classes, the Cronin Crew and The Hive, got to try out our school's VR Kit.  Using Google goggles and Google Expeditions we went on virtual field trips to the Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon and Yosemite to investigate the geology in those areas.  Next, in conjunction with class studies of tectonic plates, earthquakes and the Ring of Fire, we went on a virtual field trip inside volcanoes to discover what makes a volcano erupt.  All trips were spectacular!
Technology Essential Questions:
Are there technological solutions or enhancements to supplement what is being taught?
Why is exploration an important part of learning?
How can a virtual reality experience motivate students and inspire active participation?