Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Google Slides

Mrs. O'Brien's Students Create Digital Portfolios

These fifth graders have been busy creating digital portfolios. "A digital portfolio is a computer-based collection of student performance over time. Portfolios make classroom learning more accessible to parents, administrators, and other district support staff because they provide a window into student learning. A portfolio showcases both student achievement and student learning over time." - Melinda Kolk, "Building Digital Portfolios"

For Mrs. O'Brien's students, creating a digital portfolio is an opportunity to not only showcase their learning, but to also take a moment and reflect on their learning goals and their strategies for achieving them.

The tool we have been using to create our digital portfolios is Google Slides. 
Creating a showcase of learning goals, achievements, peak moments and habits of mind has been a wonderful process for the students, the classroom teacher and myself.

Technology Essential Questions
How can we use this technology to keep a record of progress?
How does a digital portfolio help extend student thinking?
How can we use this technology to teach the art of reflection, curation and collaboration?

Breakout EDU

They're At It Again!
Mrs. Gibson's third grade class attempts another Breakout Edu!

Students in Mrs. Gibson's third grade classroom stepped up to the challenge, worked together and never gave up!  Using their background knowledge on grammar and sentence structure both teams worked down to the last minute without anger or frustration.   Both teams solved all but one puzzle in "Exclamatory Evan's Sentence Scrabble".  Even though they did not breakout, they still had a great time!  Hosted by their sixth grade buddies, Jillian, Emily and Kate, this breakout challenge was a tricky one!

Just taking a moment to give a well deserved shout-out to Jillian, Kate and Emily for creating and leading this Breakout EDU for their third grade buddies.

Setting up the physical kits for these sessions can be tedious. These three designers have met the challenge with gusto and have produced yet another fun challenge for younger students.

Great Job Game Designers!

Technology Essential Questions

Why is exploration an important part of learning?
How can an "escape room" experience motivate students and inspire active participation?
How can an "escape room" experience inspire critical thinking, collaboration, communication & creativity?
How can we empower students by letting them lead the learning?

Google Site

Creating Websites in Grade 6

Students in Ms. Stewart's homeroom class have been learning how to use Google Sites to create informative websites about body systems, nutrition and exercise.  Working in groups students were tasked with creating a site that is not only factually correct, but also easy to access, read and understand.  Their target audience?  Their third grade buddies!  Word on the street is that these sites will be a great resource for even our youngest Spofford Pond students.

Ms. Stewart's Website Designers

Check back soon to see our finished products!

Technology Essential Questions:

How can technology be used to enhance a project and communicate knowledge?
How can we use this software to create original, innovative works and ideas?
How can this digital tool help us create a project that sparks curiosity?

2016 Massachusetts Digital Literacy and Computer Science (DLCS) Curriculum Framework:
6-8.DTC.a.1-3; 6-8.DTC.b.1; 6-8.DTC.c

AR VR Experiences

AR & VR Google Expeditions in Grades 4 & 6

Students in Mr. Duffy's, Ms. Stewart's and Mrs. Sierpina's classes had the opportunity to use our AR/VR (augmented reality/virtual reality) kits to explore topics like forces of nature and body systems.  Augmented reality allows teachers to bring a life size skeleton or a tornado into the classroom and gives students the ability to investigate abstract ideas as topics are brought to life.
Mr. Duffy's students investigate forces of nature

Ms. Stewart's students investigate the circulatory system and the skeletal system.

Mrs. Sierpina's students investigate the skeletal system.
Technology Essential Questions:

Why is exploration an important part of learning?
How can an augmented reality experience motivate students and inspire active participation?
Are there technological solutions or enhancements to supplement what is being taught?

Polar VorTechs Video Club

Check Out Our Creations

The Polar VorTechs video club (grade 6) meets once per week to dive deeper into the world of video production.  Students come together as writers, directors, cinematographers, audio technicians, editors, talent, and more (you name it!) to produce short videos clips to share with the Spofford Community.
Here is one of our productions from this winter:
Stay tuned!  There is more to come!
Technology Essential Questions:
How does this digital tool help improve collaboration and/or communication?
How can technology be used to enhance a project and communicate knowledge?
How can we use this software to create original, innovative works and ideas?