Wednesday, November 10, 2021


Inspired by Real to Reel

In order to learn the basics of the video editor, WeVideo, students in The Hive (grade 4, Ms. Davis & Mrs. Valzania) were tasked with creating a book trailer for Peter Brown's The Wild Robot.  Students created storyboards, learned about the preview pane, investigated stock media and layered audio, video, images and titles in the scrubber to create their final projects.  What a great project for beginning film writers, producers, editors and technicians.

Check out these finished projects:

Technology Essential Questions:
How does this digital tool help improve collaboration and/or communication?
How can technology be used to enhance a project and communicate knowledge?
How can we use this software to create original, innovative works and ideas?

2016 Massachusetts Digital Literacy and Computer Science (DLCS) Curriculum Framework:
3-5.DTC.a.3; 3-5.DTC.b.1

Friday, November 5, 2021


Roz is in Trouble!  Can You Help?

Students from The Hive (grade 4, Mrs. Valzania & Ms. Davis) used their collaboration skills, worked together and never gave up! Using their background knowledge both teams worked efficiently without anger or frustration.  They were challenged to use clues, critical thinking, common sense and collaboration to solve puzzles and open a variety of locks on the BreakoutEDU boxes. The theme was "The Wild Robot" and this competition against the clock sure put these young minds to work!

Technology Essential Questions

Why is exploration an important part of learning?
How can an "escape room" experience motivate students and inspire active participation?
How can an "escape room" experience inspire critical thinking, collaboration, communication & creativity?