Thursday, September 22, 2016

MakerSpace Coming Soon!

An exciting new change is happening at Spofford Pond School!  Throughout the fall we will be re-purposing our school's computer lab.  In the near future, the lab will not only house computers for teacher and student use, but it will also house a MakerSpace!  A MakerSpace is a place where teachers and their students can gather to create, invent, tinker, explore and discover using a variety of tools and materials.  Teachers will be able to reserve time in our MakerSpace via sign up to fit their classroom needs.

In order to make this happen, we need your help.  I am looking for donations of tools and materials (new or excellent used condition) to complete the space.  Please, follow this link to see a list of items needed. If you would like to donate, you may drop items off at school, labeled with my name or "MakerSpace".  If you have an item you think might be useful in our MakerSpace, but is not on the list, please email me ( a description before you drop it off.

With appreciation,

free glitter text and family website at

Friday, September 16, 2016


As the warm weather begins to cool and the Spofford Community adjusts to being back at school, I can't help but re-visit the many terrific projects classrooms completed last year as they continued to integrate technology into their curriculum.  Each project was a great accomplishment.  Students and teachers learned how to use the technology and the necessary technical skills, but, there was so much more than that involved!

Here are just a few factors that influence digital project creation:
Classroom teachers instruct their students within a variety of grade level content.
Technology-integrated projects allow students a means for demonstrating their new knowledge.

Art and music classes encourage students to create and perform.
Digital projects are further enhanced with original artistry and sound.

Physical education classes give students a chance to
discover self-confidence as well as the power of teamwork.
Green Screen creations require both of these skills.

Library/Media and STEaM classes teach the importance of using your resources, innovation
and being a good digital citizen, skills that all digital projects rely on.

Best of luck to all for another happy and successful school year.

It takes a village to raise a child.
-African Proverb
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