Wednesday, January 19, 2022

School Podcast

New Episodes Have Dropped!
Be sure to check out the spofford pond school podcast:

 The Great Polar Bearier Riff (link)

 Students in Ms. Stewart's class have lots of opinions that reflect who they are as people.  Tune in to hear their thoughts, ideas and experiences.  Take a moment to find out just what they believe. (Based on the "This I Believe" website and podcast)

Here is a glimpse into grade six's "This I Believe" series:

"What Harry Believes", season 4, episode 17
"What Olivia Believes", season 4, episode 33
"What Shea Believes", season 4, episode 37

Behind the Scenes Moments:

For more episodes, follow this link to find our podcast directly at Anchor or you can search for "The Great Polar Bearier Riff" and listen to our podcast on the following apps:

Podcasting Essential Questions:
How can we infuse classroom curriculum with technology that is easily accessible and simple to use?
How can we use this technology to delve deeper into subject matter?
How does this technology strengthen research, writing and collaboration skills?
How does this technology strengthen speaking and listening skills?

Friday, January 7, 2022

Published Authors in the House!


Sixth Graders are officially published authors!

Students in grade 6 classes are blogging!  First, we spent time discussing blogging and writing for an audience outside of school.  Then each student setup a blog using Google Sites.  Students learned to set permissions, comments, layout, theme, format, and sharing and then published their blogs on the internet.  They created forms to collect and display feedback from viewers.

Next steps will include posting additional writing, adding images and links and responding to comments.
According to George Couros, author of The Innovator's Mindset, there are at least
five great reasons students should blog (article).
allows for "open reflection"
helps to "develop literacy through different mediums"
"gives students a space for their voice to be heard"
creates "an open archive of learning"
"develops a positive digital footprint"

Stay tuned for more about this exciting opportunity and be sure to watch out for our students' blogs as they flourish over the next few weeks.

Technology Essential Questions:
How does this digital tool help improve collaboration and/or communication?
How can we use this digital tool to create original, innovative works and demonstrate a student's unique voice?
How can we use this digital tool to address the different needs, learning styles, interests and abilities of students?

2016 Massachusetts Digital Literacy and Computer Science (DLCS) Curriculum Framework
6-8.CAS.a; 6-8.CAS.b; 6-8.DTC.a.3; 6-8.DTC.a.4; 6-8.DTC.b

Sunday, January 2, 2022

More Fun Trying to Escape!


Students from from all over Spofford Pond School used their collaboration skills, worked together and never gave up! Using their background knowledge both teams worked efficiently without anger or frustration.  They were challenged to use clues, critical thinking, common sense and collaboration to solve puzzles and open a variety of locks on the BreakoutEDU boxes. With themes based on topics like multiplication, hibernation, author studies and Easter Island Heads, this competition against the clock sure put these young minds to work!

Technology Essential Questions

Why is exploration an important part of learning?
How can an "escape room" experience motivate students and inspire active participation?
How can an "escape room" experience inspire critical thinking, collaboration, communication & creativity?