Friday, March 1, 2019

Scientific Data Collection

Grade 6 Scientists Collect and Interpret Data in Preparation for 2019 Science Fair

For the beginning steps of their Science Fair projects, grade 6 science classes got an introduction to Google Sheets.  Students setup tables to collect their science experiment data.  Then, with the help of Google Sheets, they turned their data into charts so as to have a visual representation of the information they collected throughout their experiments.
For many students, this was their first experience with Google Sheets and digital data collection.  Until the Science Fair, students will continue to add information to their tables and charts, in preparation of presenting their findings at the fair.
Good Luck Grade 6 Scientists!

Google Sheets Essential Questions
How can this technology be used to enhance this science project and communicate knowledge?
What basic skills should students know about this digital tool?
How does this digital tool help students manage data?
2016 Massachusetts Digital Literacy and Computer Science (DLCS) Curriculum Framework: