Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Breakout EDU

They're At It Again!
Mrs. Gibson's third grade class attempts another Breakout Edu!

Students in Mrs. Gibson's third grade classroom stepped up to the challenge, worked together and never gave up!  Using their background knowledge on grammar and sentence structure both teams worked down to the last minute without anger or frustration.   Both teams solved all but one puzzle in "Exclamatory Evan's Sentence Scrabble".  Even though they did not breakout, they still had a great time!  Hosted by their sixth grade buddies, Jillian, Emily and Kate, this breakout challenge was a tricky one!

Just taking a moment to give a well deserved shout-out to Jillian, Kate and Emily for creating and leading this Breakout EDU for their third grade buddies.

Setting up the physical kits for these sessions can be tedious. These three designers have met the challenge with gusto and have produced yet another fun challenge for younger students.

Great Job Game Designers!

Technology Essential Questions

Why is exploration an important part of learning?
How can an "escape room" experience motivate students and inspire active participation?
How can an "escape room" experience inspire critical thinking, collaboration, communication & creativity?
How can we empower students by letting them lead the learning?

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