Friday, May 19, 2017

Hanging Out & Hi-Def Tutorials

Ms. Boyle's Grade 6
Ms. Estella's Grade 2
Hanging Out & Hi-Def Tutorials
Google Hangout with Grades 2 & 6, Explain Everything

6th Graders used the app Explain Everything to create video tutorials of the life cycle of a chick.  Tutorials were shared with their 2nd grade buddies.
Enjoy these samples!

Technology Essential Questions:
How does this digital tool help improve collaboration and/or communication?
How can technology be used to enhance a project and communicate knowledge?
How can we use this software to create original, innovative works and ideas?

2016 Massachusetts Digital Literacy and Computer Science (DLCS) Curriculum Framework:
6-8.DTC.a.3; 6-8.DTC.a.4; 6-8.DTC.b.1; 6-8.DTC.b.2

free glitter text and family website at

1 comment:

  1. Hi Friends at Spofford Pond,
    We have eggs hatching in our 1st grade classroom at Fuller Meadow! It's only day 20 and two have already hatched. We're calling them the early birds. We really liked watching your videos and learning more about chicks growing. We thought it was really cool how you had the eggs and shells move and showed the chick behind it. Great technology skills! How many eggs do you have in your classroom? Happy Hatch Day!
    Miss Klipfel's 1st Graders
